I'd been flirting with going to The Weavers' School in Coupeville, WA for a number of years.
This April, I was afforded the opportunity to do the Weaving II Course.
Me sitting at one of the 8-harness, Baby Wolf Schacht looms.
Would I enjoy it? (a busman's holiday)
Could I do it? (have the stamina to sit at the loom for 8 hours a day for 5 days?)
Why should I do it? I’ve been wanting to experiment with 8 harness weaves and wasn't taking the time out of production weaving to do it.
Color gamp in 8 harness twills.
Deflected double weave. Wait till you see it washed.
It truly exceeded my expectations.
Madelyn van der Hoogt is a superb teacher. She is incredibly organized, has the best sense of humor, and inspired all of us to do incredible work that week. My time on Whidby Island included shopping, exploring, ferry rides from the mainland, a night in Seattle and making new friends.
Top it off with mussels, martinis and a supportive, fun group of fellow weavers - I was a happy camper.
View one afternoon from my window at the Anchorage Inn.
The looms were threaded for us so it was like having a loom angel.
My woven samples. What to do next?
What experiences have you had lately that surprised or amazed you?
Deflected double weave. What I went there to learn!
Find some more striped Summer scarves and vintage earrings in my Etsy shop this week!
From my Guatemalan earring collection.
Semi-precious stones. Made in Guatemala